So I have been making more baby things....
Recently finished item include another blanket, this time a crocheted grey blanket that is really soft and snuggly. For more information I have uploaded the project to the love knitting website where I found the pattern but here are some pictures.
I have also had some fun constructing a soft, quilted number book. Which is probably more for me than the baby (even a super advanced child isn't going to want a number book as a newborn - yes I do know that!!) but I enjoyed making it and it is something soft a squidgy for him to play with.
I had to make this up as I went along but think it came out fairly well. I started with a jungle animal panel form the fabric guild in Leicester and began by chopping up each of the squares.
Each square was quilted directly on to some wadding. I spent ages doing this, programming in the numbers and words to my sewing machine and playing with different patterns to make the quilting interesting.
When I was happy with each one I pressed them and trimmed around the edges so they were all the same size.
It was a bit of a headache trying to work out how the pieces now needed to go together to turn out in the correct order and I had to make a couple of extra non-number pages to make up the sequence. The centre of the book I wanted to use the elephant procession and the two alphabet and number lines.
When I had worked out the order I attached the quilted squares to some calico and then bound pairs of calico pages together. I had to hand sew down each binding otherwise it didn't look very neat.
Finally the pages were sewn together in the centre for a completed cute safari counting book....
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